Electicals Accessary 37

Item Nos Quantity Rate Per No Dozen Amount
Fan 138 Nos (11.5 dozen) 1475.00 No 2,03,550.00
Tube light 213 Nos (17.75 dozen) 210.00 No 44,730.00
Lamp white 129 Nos (10.75 dozen) 35.00 No 4,515.00
Switches 459 Nos (38.25 dozen) 300.00 dozen 11,475.00
Socket 126 Nos (10.50 dozen) 432.00 dozen 4,536.00
Street light 42 Nos (3.50 dozen) 65,000.00
Cable line from CB (Control board)
to street line and each unit connected line
1650’0″ 525.00 R ft 8,64,250.00
      Total 11,98,056.00